What Is The Cause Of Dehydrated Skin?
When the weather is hot and dry, it's hard not to feel like the human equivalent of a raisin. During the summer months, multiple factors are literally sucking the water out of your skin, and your complexion can be left vulnerable and less than healthy. Whether the environment, air conditioning or even a poor diet takes the blame, there are at least five answers to your question: What is the cause of dehydrated skin? Here's how to figure out whether you suffer from this skin condition and what's causing it:
Dehydrated Vs. Dry Skin: Different Causes
The first problem to disentangle is the difference in causes between the dehydrated and dry skin. Easily confused, people often mistake their dehydrated skin for dry skin and vice versa, but there are major differences between the two. As The Pretty Pimple explains, dry skin lacks oil and doesn't produce enough of the skin's natural oil, sebum. Dry skin is a permanent skin type and it's likely that you have experienced its symptoms long term. Dehydrated skin, on other hands, lacks water and describes a condition which can happen at any time to any skin types. Symptoms of dehydrated skin include itchiness, sensitivity, dullness and fine lines and wrinkles all signs that your skin is deficient in water and causing dehydration.
Read the full article from Eminence Organic Skin Care.
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SOURCE: Chester, K. Y. (2018, July 13). Eminence Organic Skin Care. What Is The Cause Of Dehydrated Skin?. Retrieved from https://eminenceorganics.com/ca/blog/2018/07/13/what-cause-dehydrated-skin