10 DIY Edible Face Masks
It's been a long winter, and all of that cold Canadian air can leave even dewy skin feeling dull, dry and completely rundown. So what's a gal or guy to do? Sure, you could go out and spend heaps of money on a fancy face mask filled with manufactured ingredients, or you could go the DIY route and concoct a fantastic mask with stuff you probably already have in your kitchen.
In fact, most of the masks we've found are so clean and natural you could even eat them if things like tomato juice and milk are your jam, of course. If they're not, we recommend sticking to at-home facials to tackle tons of skin problems, from a tired complexion to acne and everything in between.
If you're looking to brighten your overall skin tone, milk and tomato juice will do the trick. Tomato is a natural skin lightener, which may give yours a more youthful glow. Meanwhile, milk is loaded with hydrating properties. For a winning combination, apply two tablespoons of milk mixed with one tablespoon of tomato juice.
If you don't have any tomato juice on hand but still want to brighten up your complexion, mix half a ripe, mashed banana with a tablespoon of orange juice and a tablespoon of honey. Bananas contain vitamins E and C along with potassium and natural moisture, all of which can do wonders for the skin.
Not all of us are challenged with dry skin; some of us have oily skin that we're constantly trying to tame. If that sounds like you, whip up a mask of aloe vera (two tablespoons) and turmeric (one teaspoon) to help get things under control. We all know that aloe has soothing properties (hello, sunburns!) while turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory.
Read the other 7 recipes in the full article from Gusto.
See more from Gusto.
SOURCE: Dowling, A. (n.d.). Gusto. These edible face masks are as easy to make as they are delicious. Retrieved from https://www.gustotv.com/wellness/edible-face-masks-easy-make-delicious/