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Whole New Light with PURECURE Manicure System

Hate waiting for your nails to dry? Love gel manicures but hate how they destroy your nails? We hear you. We re-imagined a new way to do an at-home mani with the new PURECURE Manicure System and PURECURE Peel-Off Lacquers, a gentler alternative to gel nail polish.

A Healthy Alternative to Gel Manicures

Get ready to think of your mani in a whole new light with nail polishes that dry under an LED light in 60 seconds, so you won't have to worry about dings or smudges. Best of all, it doesn't ruin your nails. (Unlike gel polish, this manicure system leaves little to no damage, without a trip to the salon.)

A healthier alternative to gel nail polish, our new PURECURE Peel-Off nail polishes dry quickly under the manicure kit's LED light, gentler on skin than the UV light in typical gel nail polish kits and salons.

What Is 12-Free Nail Polish?

Formulated without the toxic ingredients found in many gels and traditional nail polishes, PURECURE Peel-Off Lacquers are 12-free nail polishes' free of harmful ingredients like BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole) and the so-called 'Toxic Trio:' DBP (dibutyl phthalate), toluene, and Formaldehyde.

Read the full article from INSIDE SCOOP.

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SOURCE: butter LONDON. (2018, February 20). INSIDE SCOOP . Retrieved from

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